Tue Oct 15

ISSYOGA is neither a religion nor sect nor a physical YOGA. Rather it goes beyond the realm of religion, language, caste and nation and is a simple divine process of subtle meditation for the manifestation of your own divinity latent in you, to make you free from tension and disease and to unite you with the eternal ambrosial source of everlasting peace, bliss and the Supreme Lord for your salvation in this very body.

The existence of Parabrahma - the Supreme - all powerful, all pervading, indestructible, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient entity - which creates, sustains and destroys - cannot be ruled out. All the religions have fundamentally accepted the existence of Ultimate Supreme Entity.

The main aim of all the religions is to show the ways and the means to the individual to merge with the Supreme. The different religions in essence enrich and foster each other giving mankind multi fold perfection.

Whether it is the spiritual radiance of Hinduism/Vedic religion, the faithful obedience of Judaism, the vision of divine love of Christianity, the complete surrender to the sovereign lord of Islam or the noble compassion of Buddhism - all these give the same inner message of various stages of attainment in the spiritual arena and the varied projections on the mental plane of the ineffable experience of human soul.

Universe is made up of multiple layers of various vibrations of different frequencies like expanding concentric circles including that of the Ultimate super-power. God with omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient powers ever exists everywhere. Devotees of Issyoga having attained such high psychic state in the spiritural pursuit, the past and future become as vivid and clear as the present.

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Antarrashtriya Issyoga Samaj (ISSYOGA) is essentially a spiritual and global organization beyond the realm of religion, language, caste and nation which comprehends the following...

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Issyoga at a Glance

From the very inception of life on this earth human race is badly enmeshed in three fold miseries of spiritual, supernatural and physical nature as well as me...

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Sadguru Maa Speaks

कहावत है पहला सुख निरोगी काया। अर्थात स्वस्थ रोगरहित शरीर। शरीर अगर निरोगी अथवा रोगरहित है, स्वस्थ है तो वह सबसे सुखी व्यक्ति है। स्वस्थ शरीर रहने पर ही मनुष्...

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