Tue Oct 22

Antarrashtriya Issyoga Samaj (ISSYOGA) is essentially a spiritual and global organization beyond the realm of religion, language, caste and nation which comprehends the following objectives for redemption of mankind and its over all well-being.

Mahatma Sushil Kumar was born in Warisaliganj in the district of Nawadah on Wednesday, 13th July 1938 as the only son of his parents Late Srish Chandra Shastri and Karpoor Kamla, resident of Bhojpur district, Bihar, India. He completed his B. Sc. (Engg.) Civil degree in 1961 and also did Bachelor of Law. He served in various capacities in Public Works Department, Govt. of Bihar and superannuated in 1998 as the Head of the Deppt.
By virtue of his dedicated daily Sadhana (Subtle meditation) of 4-5 hours in one posture in trance for 25 years he attained the state of super-consciousness by realization of the Supreme Reality. He rededicated himself towards disseminating the same in mankind through ISSYOGA to ensure life free from tension and full of bliss.
He left his physical body on 24th April 2002 and as an highly enlightend soul, has become subtler to become omnipresent.

Ma Bijaya was born on Wednesday, 17th March 1948 in Tejpur, Assam as the second daughter of Shri Harinarayanjee, Rtd. I.R.S. and Yashodajee, resident of Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India. She topped in M.A. (Pol. Sc.) and obtained gold medal from Ranchi University Jharkhand and did Bachelor of Law as well. She had been an advocate in Hon'ble Patna High court and also served as a professor in Mahila Mahavidyalaya.
She has also attained oneness with Super Consciousness and divine power by unrelenting daily meditation for 24 years, inspiring and aiding Mahatmajee in his divine mission as an ideal consort.

Sanjay Kumar (Bade Bhaiya) was born as the second child and elder son to Mahatmaji and Mataji on 27th January 1967. He has been a dedicated son from his childhood. Having been initiated into the subtle meditative process early in his life at a young age of eighteen, he is also an enlightened soul. An Electronics Engineer by profession, he obtaind the degree of Bussiness Management too. At present he is working in the USA as a Bussiness Tecnology Professional.